School overview

The School aims at sharing models and numerical methods used by the state-of-the-art CFD research and industrial codes running on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, relying on the expertise of internationally recognized scholars and HPC specialists.

The School is based on the four consecutive successful editions of the virtual winter school, with an increasing interest and number of students every year.

The lectures will present challenges involved with solving nonlinear PDEs in problems related to fluid dynamics, using state-of-the-art algorithms. Efficient implementation on massively parallel clusters will be especially targeted.

The lectures will provide a step-by-step didactic introduction to the numerical methods, each lecture being followed by tutorial, hands-on sessions dedicated to efficient parallel implementation.

Introductory and advanced notions about parallelization strategies (MPI, OpenMPI), use of Graphic Accelerators, as well as plug-in numerical libraries, will also be provided. 

Prerequisites / Required skills

At the end of the course, the student will possess and know how to use the following skills: Numerical analysis, Algorithms for PDE Solution, HPC architecture
Target audience
MSc/PhD students, Post-Docs,  Academic and industrial researchers, software developers  which use / are planning to use / develop a code for CFD
Basic/intermediate knowledge about parallel computing, numerical analysis and algorithms for PDE solution.

Important Dates

Registration will open soon

February 17th 2025,  Application opening

July 6th 2025Starting of the school


Gran Sasso Science Institute

The Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) is an international school for advanced studies located in L'Aquila, Italy. Founded in 2012 as a research institute and superior graduate school dependent on the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), the academic institution has been made autonomous in 2016
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The school is organized by a team of experts from industry, HPC center and academia
Giorgio Amati
Giorgio Amati

First level Technologist - CINECA HPC Dept.

First level Technologist CINECA HPC Dept. Giorgio Amati is a first level technologist at CINECA, HPC Dept. His research interests are High-Performance Computing, Benchmarking and technology scouting, code optimization and parallelization mainly in CFD Area.
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Sergio Pirozzoli

Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Sapienza University of Rome

Sergio Pirozzoli is full professor of Fluid Dynamics at Sapienza University of Rome. His research interests include numerical simulation of turbulent incompressible and compressible flows, and high-performance computing.
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Ivan Spisso
Ivan Spisso

Ivan Spisso receive a Ph.D. from the University of Leicester (UK) in 2013, for the development of a prefactored high-order compact scheme for low-speed aeroacoustics. During his stay at CINECA, he got 10 years of experience in the development, verification, validation, and production runs of CFD codes to be used in HPC environments, both for academic and industrial applications. 
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Local Organizer

 Francesco Viola
Francesco Viola

Francesco Viola is Assistant Professor at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and in his research combines numerics, experiments and theory to rationalize Fluid Dynamics phenomena.
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