?> Alfredo Soldati – CFD parschool

Alfredo Soldati is Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Head of Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer at TU Wien. Master and PhD degrees at the University of Pisa, he was research associate at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and then assistant, associate and full professor at the University of Udine (now part-time). He is Rector of the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine, where he was Deputy Secretary General until 2018. Chairman of the Working Party Multiphase Flows of the EFCE (2011-2017), he is now Member of the IUTAM Congress Committee. He was also Chairman of the 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Firenze (2016) and organizer of workshops, conferences and summer schools (ASME, European Group Meeting of Multiphase Flows, EUROMECH, ERCOFTAC, COST, Marie Curie etc). Alfredo’s research is concerned with the fundamental processes in multiphase turbulent flows, where understanding interactions at the small scales can help us to predict consequences at the macroscale in a variety of environmental and industrial applications. Fellow of the American Physical Society and Fellow of the EUROMECH, he received the 2007 ASME Robert Knapp award, the 2015 ASME Lewis Moody award, the 2020 ASME Freeman Scholar Award, and the International 2018 Prize and Gold Medal Panetti–Ferrari from Accademia delle Scienze Torino, Italia. He is currently the co-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Multiphase Flow.

CFD parschool