Roberto Verzicco is Professor in Fluid Dynamics at the University of Roma `Tor Vergata’ and at the Gran Sasso Science Institute of L’Aquila (Italy).
Since 2010 he is also part-time Professor at the University of Twente (The Netherlands).
His research interests are in experimental and numerical fluid dynamics and since 1993 he has published more than 200 papers. He is interested in the direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows, convective turbulence, geophysical flows and bio-fluid mechanics.
He mostly employs numerical simulations, sometimes complemented by analytical models or experimental measurements, to study complex flow physics and turbulence.
Some of his computational models have been opensourced and made available to the scientific community.
He has been Chairman of the European Fluid Mechanics Conference Committee and member of the EUROMECH Council.
He is in the Editorial board of several scientific journals and is Associate Editor of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
He received the Frenkiel Award 2005 from the American Physical Society for his studies on natural convection. In 2012 he was nominated EUROMECH Fellow and in 2013 Fellow of the American Physical Society.